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Cord Devices

Blind Control Chain Continues LoopBlind Control Chain Continues Loop
Blind Control Chain Continues Loop
Starting at $4.50
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Blind Chain ConnectorBlind Chain Connector
Blind Chain Connector
Starting at $0.60
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Child Safe Cord Tensioner smallChild Safe Cord Tensioner small
Child Safe Cord Tensioner small
Roman Blind Cord ConnectorRoman Blind Cord Connector
Roman Blind Cord Connector
Cord Lock for Roman BlindCord Lock for Roman Blind
Cord Lock for Roman Blind
Blind Control Chain StopperBlind Control Chain Stopper
Blind Control Chain Stopper
Starting at $0.60
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Child safety warning label.Child safety warning label.
Child safety warning label.
Starting at $2.00
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Venetian & Roman Blind CleatVenetian & Roman Blind Cleat
Venetian & Roman Blind Cleat
$0.80 $1.00
Blind Control ChainBlind Control Chain
Blind Control Chain
Starting at $3.00
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Metal Blind CleatMetal Blind Cleat
Metal Blind Cleat
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Venetian Blind Timber Tassel 3 to choose fromVenetian Blind Timber Tassel 3 to choose from
Venetian Blind Timber Tassel 3 to choose from
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White plastic tasselWhite plastic tassel
White plastic tassel
Acmeda child safety for cord and chainAcmeda child safety for cord and chain
Acmeda child safety for cord and chain
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Unilne Child Safety Cord & Chain TensionerUnilne Child Safety Cord & Chain Tensioner
Unilne Child Safety Cord & Chain Tensioner
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Cord & Chain child safe tensioner pulleyCord & Chain child safe tensioner pulley
Cord & Chain child safe tensioner pulley
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Large child safe tensionerLarge child safe tensioner
Large child safe tensioner